Sent to The Frederick Press-Leader, February 20, 2012
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Loveland street scene, 1916 |
Who’s Who in Loveland, 1926
In the late 1920s The Frederick Leader printed a book called “Who’s Who in Tillman County”. The book lacks a clear date but appears to have been printed in late 1926 or 1927.
It features a brief profile of each county town, followed by a listing of information about some of the people who lived there.
It is unclear how The Frederick Leader chose who to include. Most likely, persons paid a modest fee to be listed. Some may have been nominated. Each person in “Who’s Who” provided information about their birth, education, business, marriage, children, community activities, etc.
Following is the book’s “Who’s Who” for the community of Loveland.
Loveland, about 20 miles southeast of Frederick, in Tillman county, is located on the M.K.&T. railway, which provides service with four passenger trains daily. It has a population of about 300 and supplies the retail needs of a rich cotton and wheat area.
There are three churches and one public school here. An independent company provides telephone service, electricity is developed by Delco plants and water is furnished by the city.
Loveland has two grain elevators, two cotton gins and five department stores.
Loveland was founded in 1907, the townsite having been purchased by Swartz and Harris, and the lots were distributed by drawing.
The Loveland gins turned out 1700 bales of cotton in 1925 and 200 carloads of freight were shipped from this point last year.
Loveland’s public school is classed as model. Six big trucks deliver the pupils to and from school. It is a fully accredited consolidated school and 350 pupils attend, and faculty consists of seven teachers.
The city government consists of J.C. Cockrel, chairman of board of trustees; Dr. M.M. MacKellar and Harris Burnam, directors; Albert Tnidle, clerk, and C. Smith, treasurer.
Fraternal organizations consist of Masons, Eastern Star, and Wheat Growers’ association.
The business houses consist of two elevators, two grocery and hardware stores, three filling stations, one hotel, one drug store, one restaurant, one barber shop, one blacksmith shop and post office.”
Who’s Who in Loveland, 1926:
Barnett, Denver – Farmer; born Kentucky, 1890; common school education, 1 year high school; married Miss Lena Emenhiser 1911; Methodist church; to Tillman county 1907 from Kansas; controls over 540 acres land used for crops and cattle raising; owns large herd registered Poland China hogs.
Malone, J.F. – Manager The Corner Drug Store; born Leonard, Texas, July 1903; educated Loveland schools; Central State Teachers’ College 2 ½ years; state life certificate; married Miss Gladys Kinder December 12, 1925; Methodist church; played basket ball on Loveland team; taught school one year.
Morrison, E.B. – Farmer and stockman; wheat farming; born Comanche county, Texas, January 17, 1879; common school education; married Miss Collie Northcutt December, 1914; Baptist church; W.O.W.; four children, Raymond, Cleo, Elden and Earl; to Tillman county 1906; settled 7 miles west of Chattanooga and there until 1918; known over eastern parts of Tillman county as cattle man.
Pinson, M.E. – Manager City Café; born Greenbrier, Tennessee, November 12, 1893; educated Tennessee and Lawton public schools; married Miss Anna Melton 1913; Baptist church; three children, William Laurell, A.Z. and Wonda; to Oklahoma arly day and settled at Lawton, Oklahoma; farmed until 1914; mercantile business from 1914 to August 1926; café business since August, 1926.
Pinson, Otlee – School teacher Con. No. 3; born Lawton, Oklahoma, September 6, 1905; educated Central State Teachers’ College, Edmond; life certificate; Baptist church; 5 miles south Frederick; played basketball at Loveland and Central State Teachers’ College at Edmond; made track team, has letter in basketball and track; took state broad jump in 1925; taught 1 year Con. No. 3.
Plemons, L.C. – Manager Farmers Gin; born Texas, 1880; educated Paris, Texas; married Miss Eva Rogers 1904; Chamber of Commerce; Methodist church; Mason; three children, W.L., Clyde and Medred Louise; in Tillman county 6 years; in ginning business 20 years; oil mill business 2 years.
Simonson, M.L. – Mail carrier; born Clay county, Indiana, 1864; educated Clay county public schools; married Miss Mary Loveall 1897; Methodist church; six children, Lee, Madge, Ethel, Morris, Blanche and John; in Tillman county since 1908; homestead 1-4 mile east of Loveland; carried the mail since 1911.
Simpson, Mrs. Frank – Postmaster Loveland, Oklahoma; born Blaze, Kentucky, October 7, 1898; educated high school; 2 years college, Edmond, Oklahoma; state life certificate; married Frank Simpson July 1, 1922; Methodist church; Loveland Champter 396; one child, Frank; taught school 5 years.
Smith, C. – Owner Loveland Hotel; born Conway county, Arkansas, March 1847; educated Conway county, Arkansas; married Miss Lockie Johnson December 31, 1886; treasurer of board of trustees; Methodist church; Mason; three children, Pearle, Viola and Jessie; lived in county 13 years; hotel business 6 years.
Other community entries from The Frederick Leader’s 1920s “Who’s Who” will be featured in future “Tillman County Chronicles”.
Joe Wynn is a member of the Tillman County Historical Society’s board of directors.