Sent to The Frederick Leader and The Frederick Press, November 29, 2011
1926 Outstanding Davidson Citizens Listed
Last week this column referred to “Who’s Who in Davidson, 1926” as printed in The Frederick Leader that year and reprinted in a recent publication of the Southwest Oklahoma Genealogical Society.
The 1926 “Who’s Who” provided information about more than 70 people who were cited, including birth date and location, spouse and marriage date, children, occupation, church and organization, amount of land owned, etc.
Austin, O.J. – Manager Austin-Johnston Dry Goods; born Arkansas, December 24, 1886; educated Victory, Okla.; married Miss Grace Kiethley August 28, 1911; Davidson Community Club; Methodist church; Mason; four children, Louise, Mary Winifred, Warren and O.J., Jr.; in Tillman county 2 years; worked in clothing store at Altus 7 years.
Ballard, J.N. – Deputy sheriff; born Neeleville, Mo., 1883; educated Spring Creek, Ark.; married Miss deArmon 1905; deputy sheriff one term; to Oklahoma 1914; farmed six years; butcher business one year.
Bell, E.V. – Clerk Bell’s Cash Grocery; born Dallas Co., Tex., 1900; educated Oklahoma and Texas; married Miss Edna Rhinehart August 4, 192 [?]; Davidson Community Club; Christian church; one child, Mona Gale; in Tillman county 7 years; with Bell Cash Grocery 3 years.
Bell, C.W. – Manager Bell Cash Grocery; born Texas, 1877; educated Texas; married Miss Ella Parrott 1898; Davidson Community Club; Baptist church; six children, Everet, David, Kenneth, Vera, Opal and Ruth; in Tillman county 6 years.
Bryan, Joe C. – Manager and stockholder Massie-Bryan grocery; born Texas, 1897; educated Snyder high school, one year Oklahoma University; married Miss Gladys Estes July 8, 1922; Davidson Community Club; Methodist church; Mason; I.O.O.F.; two children, Wonda Joe and Sammy Joyce; manager in business 5 years; resident of Oklahoma since 1904; in service during World War; overseas 17 months, stationed old Mexico before going to France.
Burke, J.D. – Farmer; Midway farm; born Virginia, 1861; common school education; married Miss Emma A. Balfauer 1884; Methodist church; Mason; five children, Melvin L. Percy J., Alta G., Donald and Alice Lee; to Oklahoma 1900; owns half section of land.
Burk, G.B. – Manager light and power plant; born Virginia, 1887; educated Virginia and Illinois; married Miss Eula Qualls 1908; Davidson Community Club; Methodist church; Mason; three children, Elma, G.B., Jr.. and Gerald Lee; in Tillman county 11 years; with light and power company 8 years; railroad engineer on Frisco 8 years; garage business 1916 to 192
Burks, Hallie – Bookkeeper Hood Motor Co.; Ford agency; born Davidson, Okla. July 20, 1907; educated Davidson high school; Frederick Junior College; Baptist church; Eastern Star; with Hood Motor Co., since 1924.
Burks, W.B. – Farmer; born Bryson, Texas, June 25, 1881; educated Bryan public school; junior college of Kerrvine; married Miss Pearl Norwood September 20, 1905; county assessor 4 years; member board of education; Latter Day Saints church; Mason; nine children, Hallie, Raymond, Helen, Robert, Bernice, Jack, Willie Mae, W.B., Jr.. and Glynna Sue; in Tillman county since 1901.
Campbell, D.C. – Retired farmer; born Cleburne county, Tennessee, December 20, 1854; married Miss Lovina Pharp March 12, 1876; Universalist; W.O.W.; four children, Rosa Macaroy, Herman, Louise, Nettie (deceased), Coyne; in Tillman county since 1901; mercantile business 18 years.
S.F. Cannon – Manager telephone exchange; born Alabama, 1877; educated Alabama public schools; married Miss Lucille Holcomb January 8, 1920; Davidson Community Club; Baptist church; Mason; one child, Willie; in Tillman county since opening; manager telephone exchange 20 years.
Cassidy, Ed – Owner Free Bridge Filling Station, born White county, Illinois, August 9, 1902; educated Davidsion; to Oklahoma 1907; owns half section of land.
Collins, Harry A. – Member Palace drug store; born Alfalfa County, Okla, 1899; educated Jett high school; school of pharmacy at Oklahoma University; P.H.G. degree; Methodist church; Kappa Psi at Oklahoma University; played basketball winning four letters at Oklahoma University; vice-president of Pharmacy Association Oklahoma Uniiversity for one year.
Crowell, V.S. – Farmer; born Tennessee, 1874; common school education; married Miss Claudie Voorhies 1894; Baptist church; I.O.O.F.; three children, Rohan, Fred and Rayburn; to Tillman county 1917; owns 414 acres of land.
Davis, Earnest – Manager Cozy Café; born Louisiana, 1900; educated Louisiana; Davidson Community Club; Baptist church; in Tillman county six years.
Dickerson, J.A. – Farmer, born Texas, 1863; common school education; married Miss Fannie Dyer 1884; Davidson Community Club; Baptist church; Mason; fourteen children, Della, Willie, Edd, Charlie, Oscar, ou, Allie, gracie, Susie, Florence, Lillian, Velma, Bud and Leo; to Davidson 1906; owns 720 acres of land.
Donahoo, F.M. – Farmer; born Mattison county, Indiana, January 1, 1851; educated Shelbyville public schools; married Miss Maggie Moore 1878; inspector during opening; Methodist church; six children, M.W., T.P., J.W., Hazel, Ivie, Mabel and Goldie; to Oklahoma 1886; made race for claim but failed.
Edwards, Emmett – Manager Testerman Brothers ice house; born northern Oklahoma 1906; educated Mangum, Okla.; DeMolay.
Ferguson, C.D. – Farmer; born Texas, 1878; common school education; married Miss Jennie Hines 1902; Baptist church; three children, Ray, Mary Lucile and C.D.; to Tillman county 1903; owns half section of land.
Fox, Clarence – Manager Dascomb-Daniels Lumber Co.; born Grayson county, Texas, 1882; common school education; married Miss Rosa Dacus 1905; township register since 1917; Davidson Community Club; Baptist church; Mason; W.O.W.; four children, Ruhamah, Rollo G., Oma and Clarence, Jr.; to Davidson in 1902.
Fox, Oma – Clerk Dascomb-Daniels Lumber Co., born Davidson, Okla., November 16, 1908; educated Davidson high school; Baptist church; with lumber company since 1926.
Fox, R.G. – Proprietor Davidson Hotel; born Davidsion, Okla., January 1, 1907; educated Davidson public schools; married Miss Ethel Rogers September 21, 1925; Christian church; DeMolay; one child, Phyllis; in Tillman county 16 years; hotel business since August 1, 1926.
Fox, T.H. – Retired farmer; born Jackson county, Tennessee, November 27, 1857; married Miss Ida Griggs January 26, 1881; Methodist church; three children, Clarence, Joe and George; in Tillman county since opening.
Franklin, J.S. – Farmer; born Henry county, Missour 1860; common school education; married Miss Samanthe Cash 1885; Methodist church; Maosn; W.O.W.; four children, Pearl, Benjamin, Wayne and Rufus; to Tillman county 1905; owns three quarter sections of land.
Gilpatrick, J.D. – Retired farmer; born Overton county, Tennessee, August 2, 1867; educated Gainesboro, Jackson county, Tennessee public schools; married Miss Lizzie Beth Warren November 11, 1888; Church of Christ; two children, J.P. and Mamie Bell; in Tillman county since December 1901.
Gregg, Joe – Clerk Harper’s Grocery; born Bridgeport, Texas, 1901; educated Davidsion, Wichita, Kansas; took mechanical course; married Miss Floy Harper June 29, 1922; one child, Lonnie Lee; started business in 1926.
Hamrick, J.M. – Farmer; born Bell county, Texas, September, 1874; common school education; married Miss Bertie Kirby January 21, 1925; county commissioner of Tillman county; Methodist church; Mason; to Tillman county 1901; working 290 acres of land.
Hangerford (Hungerford), C.E. – Assistant manager Dascomb-Daniels Lumber Co.; born Cleveland county, Oklahoma, November 27, 1895; educated Walters; married Miss Dessie Don Booth March 21, 1920; president Young Business Men’s Club, Walters, 1923; American Legion; Mason; Methodist church; Knight of Pythias; M.W.A.; one child, James Edwin; in Tillman county two years; served in World War; with Badger Lumber Company, Walters, three years.
Harper, A.L. – Owner and manager Harper Cash Grocery; born Adair county, Missouri, 1870; educated McKinney, Texas; married Miss Sue Adkins 1896; Davidsion Community Club; two children, Autrey and Floy; resident of Oklahoma 17 years; farmed 11 years.
Harper, L.L. – Manager Harper and Johnson General Mercantile; born Kentucky, December 1880; educated Ardmore, Okla.; married Miss Maude McElroy 1903; mayor; Baptist church; Mason; four children, Mary (Johnson), Irene, Harold and Elsie Lourene; in business 11 years; city mayor 3 years; to Oklahoma 1895.
Hickerson, J.M. – Farmer; born Missouri, March 9, 1868; common school education; married Miss Mary R. Strean July 21, 1892; Church of Christ; eight children, Robert S., Grace O., W.E. Nora, Edna, Harold, Floyd and Earl; to Tillman county 1901; owns half section of land.
Hood, Fred L. – Owner Hood Motor Company; Ford sales and service; born Sevierville, Tennessee, June 28, 1887; educated Charlie, Texas; public schools, Lawton Business College; married Miss Mary Burnham January 2, 1910; president city board; Presbyterian church; Mason; two children, R.D. and Dorothy; in Tillman county since 1913; in Frederick 9 years in U.S. Civil Service; with Phipps Motor Co., Frederick, four years.
Hood, F.W. – Member Hood Motor company; Ford dealers; born Wichita Falls, Texas; September 25, 1891; educated Texas; married Miss Anna Johnston February 14, 1923; member Chamber of Commerce; American Legion; Presbyterian church; Mason; two children, Bettie Jean and Ila Mae; in Tillman county three years; served in World War; overseas one year.
Hudson, C.G. – Cashier First State Bank; born Yellville, Arkansas, August 14, 1894; educated Yellville high school; Edmond Central State Teachers’ College; married Miss Zula Tyson June 12, 1923; town board; secretary of Chamber of Commerce; American Legion; Methodist church; Mason; one child, Mary Ann; in Tillman county 12 years; taught school two years; in service during World War.
James, J.M. – Farmer; born Erath county, Texas; August 12, 1895; common school education; married Miss Amanda Cosgrove August 1, 1917; Baptist church; two children, Irene and Francis; to Tillman county 1901.
Jameson, J.P. – Farmer; born Searcy, Arkansas, January 1892; common school education; married Miss Pauline Glasco 1921; two children, Nettie Ruth and J.P.; owns farm.
Johnson, J.H. – Retired farmer; born June 6, 1851; educated Polk county, Pennsylvania; married Miss Jane Brookshaw October 10, 1872; Baptist church; Mason; seven children, (two deceased) Y.M., L.C., Myrtle Kennel, Dora Cunningham and Ida Brown; in Arkansas 18 years; to Oklahoma 1889; 20 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; been confined to bed nine years.
Johnson, Mrs. Ola – Proprietor Cozy Café; born Oklahoma, August 9, 1895; educated Davidson, Okla.; married Roy Johnson May 23, 1913; Baptist church; three children, Opal LaDoyt, Anneta and Doris Maxine; in café business 10 years.
Kadane, Jack – Manager Ritz Theatre; born Sapulpa, Oklahoma, August 7, 1908; educated Wichita Falls, Texas, high school; Presbyterian church; DeMolay; in Davidson since May 22, 1926.
Kemble, W.E. – Salesman Parson Brothers Monument company; born Tarrant county, Texas, 1893; common school education; business college of Bowie, Texas; married Miss Myrtle Johnston January, 1920; Baptist church; to Tillman county 1914; owns 80 acres land in Tillman county.
Martin, A.S. – Manager City Tailor Shop; born Alabama, 1892; educated Marietta, Oklahoma; Davidson Community Club; Methodist church; in Tillman County since 1907; in tailoring business since 1919; served in World War.
McAuley, J.F. – Owner and manager Davidson Hardware company; born West Port, Tennessee, September 12, 1872; educated Holliday, Tennessee, Normal School; married Miss Neely Pritchard August 26, 1897; member Chamber of Commerce; Baptist church; Knights of Pythias; W.O.W.; five children, Buna, Grady, Lovellin, Ben and John F.; in Tillman county 18 years; in Tillman Hardware of Frederick 16 years.
Norwood, J.G. – Owner and manager J.G. Norwood’s Dry Goods Store; born Rockdale, Texas, March 15, 1883; educated high school; married Miss Pearl Franklin June 23, 1910; member town board; president board of education; Methodist church; Mason; two children, Guy and Mary Joyce; in Davidson since August 31, 1903.
Parish, G.W. – Farmer; born Pickett, Tennesee, 1894; common school education; married Miss Alice McMahan December, 1914; Baptist church; two children Granvill and Geraldine; to Oklahoma 1913.
Parker, J.W. – Farmer; born Little Rock, Arkansas, January 29, 1869; educated Glasco Junction, Kentucky, and Walnut Hill, Kentucky; married Miss Dora Skinner June 25, 1899; Cotton Growers’ association; Latter Day Saints church; M.W.A.; three children, Valera, iral and Troy; in Tillman county since 1901; first Sunday school was organized in his father’s house.
Parker, R.J. – Retired farmer; born Hart county, Kentucky, May 17, 1840; educated Hart county, Kentucky; married Miss Mary Etta Owen march 28, 1867; Latter Day Saints church; one child, J.W.; in Tillman county since 1901; Civil War veteran.
Parris, J.B. – Farmer; born Pickett county Tennessee, March 15, 1885; common school education; married Miss Claudie Mae Hussey March 3, 1913; Church of Christ; I.O.O.F.; six children, Shemel, Edgar, Evelyn, Ruth, Sam and Josie Kate; to Tillman county 1907; owns 520 acres of land.
Rains, T.L. – Clerk J.G. Norwood; dry goods; born Missouri, November, 1872; educated Texas; married Miss Hutcherson 1909; Baptist church; Mason; resident of Oklahoma since 1907.
Reed, H.C. – Bookkeeper First State Bank; born Foss, Oklahoma, February 14, 1902; educated Davidson high school; Tyler Commercial College; married Miss Jasamine Finney July 4, 1923; Chamber of Commerce; Methodist church; one child, Anna Gale; in Tillman county since 1903; with bank six years.
Renfroe, Rev. B.F. – Preacher; born Montgomery, Alabama, November 25, 1860; educated Grimes county, Texas, public schools; married Miss M.A. Skinner January 18, 1883; Latter Day Saints church; M.W.A.; W.O.W.; seven children, Sally, Mattie, Clester, Amos, Cenis, Ibera and Roy; to Oklahoma 1901; organized first Sunday school in Davidson, preached first funeral sermon and performed first wedding ceremony; preached in dugouts in early days.
Robinson, J.E. – Manager Davidson Gin company; born Missouri, 1874; educated Texas public schools; married Miss Marion Tussy 1895; school trustee; Davidson Community Club; Methodist church; Knights of Pythias; three children Marie, David and Christine; in Tillman since 1920; with gin company two years.
Seay, Ray – Assistant pharmacist Palace Drug Store; born in Davidson, Oklahoma, March 14, 1905; educated Davidson high school, one year Oklahoma University; Methodist church; DeMolay.
Sparks, W.S. – Farmer; born Cherokee, Alabama, March 14, 1861; educated Cherokee county; married Miss Octavia Florence Sharp June 3, 1882; Baptist church; Mason 30 years; seven children, Nettie Waldrop, R.B., Myrtle Willingham, Alma West, Frank, Fred and Tommie; to Tillman county 1923.
Spraggins, J.H. – Farmer, born Dadeville, Alabama, February 14, 1867; educated Collins county, Texas; married Miss Etta Sterling April 17, 1891; Baptist church; W.O.W.; M.W.A.; ten children, Edna, Clyde, Gladys, Guy, Mrs. Claudia Coats, Timmie, Floyd, Fern, Don and Carlos; in Tillman county since 1902.
Stafford, E.B. – Yardman Dascomb-Daniels Lumber Company; born Abington, Illinois July 18, 1867; educated Lamont, Iowa, public schools; married Miss Louisa S. Gaultei June 14, 1896; Latter Day Saints church; five children, Ada Louise, Harriet Prudrick, Edna Mae, Helen Francis and Emily June; in Tillman county 19 years; with lumber business two years.
Stafford, Helen – Clerk Uncle Joe’s Variety Store; born Vernon, Texas, May 17, 1905; educated Davidson high school; Latter Day Saints church; member honor society; won county championship in basketball for five years; in Tillman County 18 years.
Tate, W.L. – Agent Frisco railway; born North Carolina, September 2, 1882; educated North Carolina; married Miss Maude Harris November 18, 1918; one child, Katherine; in Tillman county seven years; with Frisco eight years.
Taylor, J.C. – Member Hope & Taylor Gin; born Evening Shade, Arkansas, February 15, 1897; educated Evening Shade high school; married Miss Ruby Hodges December 24, 1925; American Legion; Methodist church; in Tillman County two months; served in World War; ten trips across transporting service.
Thomas, R.H. – Member Bell and Thomas Market and Grocery; born Cass county, Illinois, August 17, 1880; educated Lincoln county, Kansas; married Miss Laura Phipps December 24, 1902; school director 1907 to 1912; Methodist church; M.W.A.; five children, Lloyd, Cecil, Myrtle, Cora and Beula; to Tillman county 1902.
Thorn, W.H. – Owner W.H. Thorn Grocery; born Franklin Parish, Louisianna, October 20, 1887; educated Franklin, Louisiana; married Miss Lillie Melton December 15, 1912; constable four years, undersheriff eight years in Louisiana; Chamber of Commerce; Baptist church; 32nd degree Mason; two children, Marshall and Leah; in Tillman county nine years.
Tyson, J.C. – Owner Uncle Joe’s Variety Store; born Harrison, Arkansas, January 19, 1898; educated Davidson high school; married Miss Meta E. McClure March 6, 1919; 32nd degree Mason; one child, Joe Dean; in Tillman county 17 years; drug business four years.
White, N.J. – Farmer; born Montague county, Texas, October 1, 1889; common school education; married Miss Charlie Dugan January 21, 1912; Church of Christ; four children, Alvis, Raymond, Joe Dwight and N.J., Jr.; to Tillman county 1901; working 240 acres of land.
White, T.N. – Farmer, born Randolph county, Alabama, December 2, 1857; educated Montague county, Texas; married Miss Ada Woods March 7, 1886; Methodist church; W.O.W.; seven children, Willie, Bessie, Fred, N.J., Jessie Lee and Iona; in Tillman county since opening.
Wilson, Lloyd – Assistant Cashier First State Bank; born Alief, Texas, July 15, 1898; educated Davidson high school; married Miss Billie Howerton, Marh 19, 1919. Chamber of Commerce; Methodist church; Mason; in Tillman county 22 years; Ford agency from 1917 to 1921.
Wilson, Dr. R.E. – Physician and surgeon; born Arkansas, 1870; educated Southern Methodist University, graduated 1904; M.D. degree; married Miss Nora McLeroy 1920; one child, Lloyd; to Tillman county 1904; to Oklahoma 1889.
Wisda, J.A. – Mail carrier; born Defiance county, Ohio, August 9, 1877; college education; married Miss Geneva McPherson November 17, 1908; Catholic church; to Tillman county 1901; in Frederick 12 years; carrying mail since 1907.
Wolfe, J.A. – Farmer; born North Carolina, March, 1876; common school education; married Miss Minnie Robertson April 19, 1900; Presbyterian church; three children, Forrest, Lee and Mark; to Tillman county 1902; wheat raiser; owns 500 acres of land.
Wolfe, J.B. – Farmer; born North Carolina, October 14, 1874; common school education; married Miss Fannie Cavins 1900; Baptist church; six children, Harold, Beatrice, Zeta Mae, Zelma Lou, Hazel and Paul; to Tillman county 1906; owns 160 acres of land; cultivating 240 acres.
Wolfe, Kenneth – Student; born Davidson, Oklahoma 1906; educated Davidson high school; Baylor University, Waco, Texas; Oklahoma University; Baptist church; DeMolay; with Austin-Johnston five months.
Wright, W.E. – Farmer; born Tennessee, 1876; common school education; married Miss Lou Hutton 1899; Methodist church; eleven children, Lula Pearl, Alice, Harve, Edith, J.B. Buster, Fay, Lucile, Vennel and Merle; to Davidson 1901; owns section of land.